Africa Needs Your Prayers

Prayer is such an important part of supporting African Enterprise. It’s one of the gifts you can give Africa – your time in prayer. And Africa needs your prayers now more than ever.

A couple of months ago when we compiled our Prayer Diary for May, June and July, we did not know the challenges that we would be facing. As always we look at our calendar and prepare the prayer points around the mission activities happening during that month. This time however, what we planned three months ago has changed enormously from what we are currently facing. The number of coronavirus infections are increasing drastically daily in Africa and more than ever we need to pray for our teams and the people in Africa.

As our CEO, Ben Campbell mentioned in the Prayer Diary:

“Please pray especially for the vulnerable refugee populations, and other marginalised communities, that have less access to help. In all things, our hope and confidence remain firmly in the Lord! As Isaiah 40:31 (NIV) says: “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” May God bless, strengthen and encourage you today, as you continue to pray for the salvation and healing of people in Africa. “

Throughout June and July, please join with us in prayer for all of our AE Teams. They are all facing unprecedented times. We will keep you up to date with all the latest articles and responses from our teams as far as possible on our website and facebook page.

Updated prayer requests will also be uploaded to the PrayerMate App.

We are also in the last few days of our Prayer and Fasting Season ending on Pentecost Sunday with a Global Day of Prayer.

Additionally, let us know if you are interested in starting or joining a prayer group. It can be among you and your friends, families, colleagues or members of your church. You can meet face to face or online and as frequent as you want. Let’s gather in the name of Jesus and pray for Africa. Please send an email directly to if you would like to be part of or to start a prayer group.

Thank you for spending time in prayer for African Enterprise.

Meeting a deep Gospel need in Togo

There is a desperate need to bring the Gospel of Jesus to French-speaking areas of West Africa, areas that have been influenced be secular history, and significantly impacted by the Muslim push down from the North of Africa. It is in these regions that religious extremism can take hold, with alternative and destructive ideologies taking root in areas such as Mali that build a base to impact sub-Saharan areas of Africa.

It is in the face of these challenges and threats to freedom, that the churches in neighbouring countries have embraced African Enterprise’s model to evangelise the cities of Africa in Word and Deed in partnership with the church.

Evangelism Training

Our latest push is into Togo, where the AE Team Leader Ben Sachie has been delighted with the enthusiasm of the 1,000 leaders from over 150 churches who attended evangelism training and vision casting over the past week.  Even the most senior of church leaders participated for three days of training to equip the churches for effective evangelism and discipling of new believers.

Photo – Evangelism training for church leaders in Lomé.

Churches as so keen to implement what they have learnt, that many have already commenced local evangelism to help qualify them for participation in the capital Lome citywide mission in 2020. Each church involved will be reporting back to AE on their progress, so we can utilize the learnings for next year.

Our hope is that over the next three years, AE Ghana together with the Togo church are hoping to reach over 181,550 people in Lomé with the gospel over the next three years.

Ben Sachie also visited Benin, and engaged with the vice chairman of the Christian council and several church leaders.  We are expecting an official invitation to run a vision casting session amongst church leaders next year!

Togo Mission

TOGO Your Time has come!

After years of prayer for the nation of Togo, God has finally given African Enterprise an open door for citywide missions in Lome! We’re so thankful for our friends and partners in the nation who have a burden to see Lome reached for Christ!

In early May, AE Ghana Team Leader, Ben Sachie, accompanied by Emmanuel Kwizera and Lynn Nwagbara visited Togo and connected with local Christian leaders and pastors to plot a way forward for AE missions.

I have found that AE’s method of stratified evangelism: engaging entrepreneurs in evangelism is the best strategy if we are to reach the whole nation for Jesus!”.


Rev. Happy Aziadekey, the chairman of Federation des Evangéliques au Togo told us, “You have come here at the right time! I have done my doctoral research on mission and evangelism in Togo and I have found that AE’s method of stratified evangelism: engaging entrepreneurs in evangelism is the best strategy if we are to reach the whole nation for Jesus!”.

Campus for Christ Togo have also partnered with AE for this process and will help create links with local churches so that a national strategy for evangelization can be established. The AE team also met with the heads of different churches in Togo who are already on fire for proclamation evangelism. They want to see all the spheres of influence in the city of Lomé saturated by the Gospel! Praise God!

“We can’t wait to see the launch of this three years mission process. We are ready to team up with you and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all Togolese people.”, said Rev Mitré Djakouti, the President of the Assemblies of God in Togo and Chairman of the largest national church network called the Christian Council (Conseil Chretien). 

17468a8c-fce2-4d35-9686-7b4b61523b10God opened the doors for many strategic meetings for the AE team including: the President of the Church of Pentecost in Togo, the Rev Antoine Kossi Adedje, the President of the Baptist Convention in Togo, the Rev. Agbatan Remy Agossou, the President of the Institute of Advanced Studies of International and Strategic Relations the Dr. Senyéebia Yawo Kakpo. They also connected with the Alumni of Haggai Institute in Togo. “All these meetings have confirmed in our hearts that this is a “Kairos” time for Togo.”, said Lynn Nwagbara of AE Europe. 

“All these meetings have confirmed in our hearts that this is a “Kairos” time for Togo.”

The team also connected with local Pastor, Rev. Mesmin Kokou Tchaou, who had studied at the Institut Biblique Belge some years ago and had a mutual friend through Lynn. They had an excellent time with him and his colleague as we shared stories from Belgium and how different methods of evangelism might be implemented in Togo. 

Please Pray for Togo


  • Pray for our brother Edouard Ametou, the National Director for Campus Pour Christ and his team in Togo, for his involvement and their strategic role to mobilize the church in Togo for evangelism and discipleship. 
  • Pray for the Togo consultation meeting  on national evangelization which will be held before the end of this Year
  • Pray for the AEI Mission team and AE Ghana in this process of engaging the church and ministries in Togo for the Citywide Mission in the next four years 2018-2021 
  • Pray for other local evangelistic efforts in Togo to transform the whole nation with the power of the Gospel 
  • Pray for peace and stability in Togo. 
  • Pray for that God would provide the funds needed to hold the mission.