Quick Stats: Location: Southern Africa Surface Area: 390,757 kilometres2 Population: 15.6 million Major Cities: Harare 1.6 million, Bulawayo 1.2 million, Chitungwiza 365,026, Mutare 188,243, Epworth 152,116, Gweru 141,862, Kwekwe 100,900, Kadoma 77,749, Masvingo 72,527, Chinhoyi 63, 014.gugu 63,883 Major Languages: Shona, Ndebele, Chewa, Chibarwe, Kalanga, Koisan, Nambya, Ndau, Shangani, sign language, Sotho, Tonga, Tswana, Venda, and Xhosa Colonial History: Under United Kingdom rule Official Language: English, Shona, Ndebele
Regional Missions Director (AESAR) & AE Zimbabawe Programs Manager: Rev. Dr. Brian Mugwidi
Reverend Dr. Brian Mugwidi, 51, is the newly appointed Regional Missions Director of the African Enterprise Southern Africa Region (AESAR). As Regional Missions Director of AESAR, Dr. Mugwidi will be responsible for organizing and mobilizing missions in the region in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. And as a senior member of staff based in Harare, Zimbabwe, Brian will also double as the AE Zimbabwe Country Programs Manager.
In terms of his experience, Brian has been an accredited preacher of the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe since 1990 and an ordained minister in the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe since 1992. From 2008-2012, Brian Mugwidi was appointed as a Bishop in the Methodist Church and was given oversight of Bulawayo District. He has also served in various capacities within the Methodist Church and the Ecumenical setting of the Zimbabwe Council of Churches including serving as the Regional Program Manager at Christian Care; Acting Chaplain at Lupane State University; Manager at the Ndhlela Methodist Training Centre and is currently a member of the National Health Research Development Committee of the Medical Research Council of Zimbabwe bringing a wealth of Leadership and Management experience spanning well over 20 years.
As a Bishop of Bulawayo District, he was responsible for directing the mission of the Church- planning and commissioning special mission programs such as church planting initiatives in many districts. Prior to this, Brian also served as the Evangelism Coordinator in a number of Districts of the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe and was responsible for planning and coordinating evangelism and missions activities such as crusades and revivals and was involved in preaching, interpreting for visiting preachers, teaching and counseling in various outreaches. His role as Evangelism Coordinator also included mobilizing, teaching and training church members in evangelism (soul winning), follow-up and care of new believers and discipleship.
In addition to his training in Theology- a BA Hon(s) Degree in Religious Studies from the University of Zimbabwe, Brian holds a Doctorate in Business Administration from Calvary University.
He is married to Sithulisiwe Mugwidi and they have 2 sons – Tinomudaishe Christian, 23 years old and Tadiwanashe Clyde, 9 years old.

Youth are the future of Africa, and it is essential that effective youth discipleship and empowerment programs are part of our mission strategy. The Foxfire Team is the youth arm of African Enterprise’s evangelistic and mission activities. Teams are made up of young people, with a passion for evangelism, who give a year of their lives to the service of the Kingdom. The year begins with two months of intensive training before they are released into ministry. Foxfires then visit schools, youth groups, churches, children’s homes and colleges in and around the cities in which they are based. Using energetic and exciting dance and drama programs to attract and connect with the youth, the Foxfires bring the Gospel message to young people and are able to speak to them as one young person to another.